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Wordlist Generator

This script creates word-lists based on a word you give it, and the selections you make. It is meant to be a simpler crunch, in a way. Simply stated, you choose a word ("test"), choose the amount of extra characters you want (3), and finally choose the character list you want (4 = special characters). This leads you to a 7 character list, with the first 4 letters being test and the other three characters being iterated through by the code. This code is meant to creating custom word-lists for cracking Wi-Fi passwords (based on a bit of knowledge) , or passwords in general.

#/usr/bin/env python3
from itertools import product
import sys
import argparse

description='''This is a wordlist generator based on a word of your choice. You can add any ASCII character based on pre-defined lists.''',
epilog="""Example: ' hello 3 4' => [hello<<<, hello<<!, hello?@#, etc.]""")
parser.add_argument("<word>", help="the word you will base the wordlist on",
parser.add_argument("<size>", help="how many extra characters do you want?",
parser.add_argument("<choice>", help="do you want characters to be numbers [1], lowercase letters [2], uppercase letters [3], special characters [4], or all of the above [5]",
args = parser.parse_args()

OUTPUT_FILE_NAME="output.txt" #not needed
lowercase =list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")

if len (sys.argv) != 4 :
print("Only 3 arguments (ex. hello 3 1)")
sys.exit (1)

word = sys.argv[1]
size = int(sys.argv[2])
choice_input = int(sys.argv[3])

if choice_input == 1:
charlist = numbers
for c in product(charlist, repeat=size):
print(word + ''.join(c))
elif choice_input == 2:
charlist = lowercase
for c in product(charlist, repeat=size):
print(word + ''.join(c))
elif choice_input == 3:
charlist = uppercase
for c in product(charlist, repeat=size):
print(word + ''.join(c))
elif choice_input == 4:
charlist = special
for c in product(charlist, repeat=size):
print(word + ''.join(c))
charlist = all
for c in product(charlist, repeat=size):
print(word + ''.join(c))