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CTF Resources

These are resources such as scripts and software I find which assist in CTF Competitions, usually from write-ups from other players. I will organize the specific section when I have a lot of various topics being covered there.


Forensics / Steganography


Web Exploitation

  • Nmap - used to find what ports are open on a server
  • Burpsuite - used to intercept/modify web requests
  • Curl - a tool for data transferring and reception
  • Dirbuster - a directory brute-forcing with a word-list
  • Gobuster - another directory brute-forcing program using a word-list
  • Nikto - a web server scanner
  • Wget - used to download a website and its contents

Reverse Engineering

  • ltrace - simple command for viewing what is going on in the background of a binary file
  • IDA Freeware - A debugger which reveals all the behind the scenes for a binary file
  • Ghidra - a debugger, which attempts to reconstruct code from where the binary was composed of


Pwntools (respond to server):

I learned about this script from, and this was a solution to a CTF question where a server gave you questions and you had to answer them. The questions were asking you to encode or decode a string, and you had to do it in under 30 seconds to get the flag. I have copied the script here:

from pwn import *
from urllib.parse import unquote
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from codecs import encode,decode

s = remote('hostname', port)

# Ready to start
# 1+1=?
s.recvuntil(': ')
# Decode an hex string to decimal
s.recvuntil(': ')
# Decode an hex string to ASCII letter
s.recvuntil(': ')
# Decode a URL encoded string
s.recvuntil(': ')
# Base64 decode
s.recvuntil(': ')
# Base64 encode
s.recvuntil(': ')
# ROT13 decode
s.recvuntil(': ')
s.sendline(decode(s.recvline(keepends=False).decode(), 'rot_13'))
# ROT13 encode
s.recvuntil(': ')
s.sendline(encode(s.recvline(keepends=False).decode(), 'rot_13'))
# Binary decode
s.recvuntil(': ')
# Binary encode
s.recvuntil(': ')
# Best CTF competition
# s.sendline('picoCTF')

Bluetooth PCAP

This is a script I got from, which is used to decode Bluetooth Data from a PCAP file.

from scapy.all import *

current = []
for packet in rdpcap('btle.pcap'):
if "Prepare Write Response" in packet:
offset = packet["Prepare Write Response"].offset
data = bytes(packet["Prepare Write Response"].data)
if offset + len(data) > len(current):
current = current + ([0] * (offset + len(data) - len(current)))
for i in range(offset, offset + len(data)):
current[i] = data[i - offset]
print("".join([chr(x) for x in current]))

Radio Frequency Decoding

I learned about the website, through a write-up for a CTF Competition: The software allows you to decode Winlink data.

Keystroke decoding from audio file

I was reading a write-up for how to decode keystrokes from an audio file from They point out a GitHub page The code below is from the CTF write-up and not from the keylogger GitHub page itself:

//Create docker with installed libraries
docker exec -it acoustic-keylogger_env_1 apt update
docker exec -it acoustic-keylogger_env_1 apt install libsndfile1-dev
//get token for accessing the notebook
docker exec -it acoustic-keylogger_env_1 jupyter notebook list
//PYTHON in Docker
//import libraries
from acoustic_keylogger.audio_processing import *
from acoustic_keylogger.unsupervised import *
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

data = wav_read("output.wav") //input file here

keystrokes = detect_keystrokes(data, threshold=100) //have to play around with this
//normalize the features
X = [extract_features(x) for x in keystrokes]
X_norm = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(X)
//differentiate keystrokes
len(set([x[0] for x in X_norm])) //gives you a number of different keystrokes
//group similar keystrokes
letters = {}
phrase = []
current_letter = ord('a')
for x in X_norm:
if x[0] not in letters:
letters[x[0]] = current_letter
current_letter += 1
print("".join([chr(x) for x in phrase]).replace("d", " "))
//NOTE: Output could be encrypted with Monoalphabetic Substitution or another cipher