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DownUnderCTF 2021

The Introduction

For this one, I ran the netcat command, and then waited for the output to finish, and then I got the flag:


I downloaded the file, and ran strings on the file, and found the flag:

Who goes there?

For this one, I was looking for the domain registration for the website to get as much information as I can. I found the following on a WHOIS Lookup Domain website:

The flag was the Phone number in DUCTF{Phone_Number} format.

Get Over it!

We get an image for this one:

I ran it in tineye and got no result. I then ran it on Yandex, and I saw a picture that looks like the one I had gotten from the CTF:

The bridge seems to match this image. I then used to view the image from the poster. I needed to view the tags:

The tag that helped the most was the saintluciabrisbane. I Google-ed "saint lucia brisbane bridge" and got the following:

I went on the Wikipedia page for the first page and got the following:

The bridge does look the same as the image. I then tried the flag multiple times, but was not able to get it with the size of 390. I then googled "Eleanor Schonell Bridge size", and got the following:

The flag was DUCTF{Eleanor_Schonell_Bridge-185m}


For this problem, I went to the discord of the CTF and found the flag:

Sharing is Caring

For this one, my first step was to run the username in sherlock:

I did not find anything important on Pinterest or Twitch, but I got the following on Steam:

I then ran the other username in sherlock as well:

The Github portfolio did not really have anything, other than a repository. The Reddit account had some posts on it. One of them stood out to me:

Looking closer at the picture, I noticed this:

I knew it wasn't an IP Address, so my assumption was that it was a MAC Address. When I entered it on I got only one result:

The flag was the street name.